Levels of Violent Crime Fall in Virginia’s Biggest Cities

Typically violent crime concerns citizens more than other types of offenses.

There was good news for Virginia in the recently published Uniform Crime Report from the U.S. Department of Justice, that found violent crime was falling in Virginia’s major cities at a time when it increased by 1.2% nationally in 2012 over the previous year.

Decreases in violent crime were reported in Alexandria, Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Richmond and Virginia Beach.

Nevertheless, questions have been arising over the validity of the national numbers, amid claims some police departments are under reporting their figures.

According to the Commonwealth of Virginia, violent crime in Virginia has fallen steadily over the last decade.

Virginia’s violent crime rate was 197 per 100,000 people in 2011. The rate has generally fallen since 2002, when the violent crime rate was 291. Virginia’s 2011 rate was the 5th lowest in the nation for violent crime

Virginia Has Low Levels Of Violent Crime

Compared to neighboring states, Virginia has low levels of violent crime. In 2011, North Carolina saw a rate of 350, Tennessee was at 608, and Maryland posted a rate of 494.

Notwithstanding the falls, violent crime should not be taken lightly. It often has serious consequences for the victim and the accused alike. Some of the most significant violent crimes I deal with as a criminal defense attorney are:

  • -Assault and Battery
  • -Murder
  • -Unlawful Wounding
  • -Malicious Wounding
  • -Involuntary Manslaughter & Voluntary Manslaughter
  • -Rape and Sexual Assault

Long Jail Sentences

Violent crimes carry the longest jail sentences and require the lengthiest investigations. Not only are the consequences of these crimes more serious than many others, but they also require specialized preparation for an effective attorney.

In many cases violent crimes involve the testimony of many witnesses.  Sexual offenses see some of the highest numbers of wrongful convictions.

If you have been accused of a violent crime you should contact an experienced Virginia defense lawyer immediately.

(703) 934-0101

Email faraji@fairfaxcriminallawyer.com

10560 Main Street • Suite 310 • Fairfax, Virginia 22030

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